Sunday, May 1, 2016

How to Reuse That "Broken" Chair!

So my friend was cleaning out her garage and wanted to know if I wanted her old chair she was gtting rid of.  I had been ooking for one more chair to fill my "conversation" corner on my screened-in porch.  I had a shabby green and purple chair and was dying for a yellow one.

So she came over and dropped off this chair to me!  I was super pumped to get it and was ready to paint since I had been planning out getting an old chair for a few weeks.  I immediately grabbed my Miss Mustard Seed's Milk Paint in Mustard Seed Yellow.  

 This is the old packaging for Miss Mustard Seed's Milk Paint.  It used to come in a box, now it comes in a reusable Ziploc pouch.  I absolutely love the golden yellow color.  It is just warm enough. 

       It comes in a powder form, which can be slightly difficult to work with.  I am not going to lie.  When I first started using milk paint it was hard getting the correct powder to water ratio.  However, now I don't even measure I just do a little water at a time until I get a slightly runny mixture.  You have to mix it really well.  This is why I purchased Miss Mustard Seed's Milk Paint mixer.
It mixes like brownie mix in that you have clumps you have to work out of the mixture.  
However, it is OK to leave a little bit of small clumpage.  It isn't going to be a uniform color, which adds to the character.

Here she is after two coats of milk paint.  Some tips about using milk paint:

1.  Work Fast!  It dries very quickly so you must work quickly before it dries in a place you aren't happy with.

2.  Sometimes it crackles on its own.  It crackles on it's own the more slick the surface is that you are working on.  If it is too glossy of a finish, though, it will not stick at all.  This piece was a coarse wood so it stuck right to the surface and did not crackle at all.

3.  Follow the paint's lead.  Let it dry and see what happens.  If it starts crackling scrap off what isn't sticking and love it.  If it doesn't crackle, it just wasn't meant to be!  Grab some sand paper and go at it if you are looking for a shabby look!

4.  It sands off super easily!  My number one love for milk paint and chalk paint alike.

Since my Milk Paint did not distress itself, I grabbed my trusty 100 grit sandpaper that I keep stocked at all time.  I focus ALWAYS on edges and curves that jut out.  This makes the shabby-ing look authentic.

I then trimmed out some of the bottom in order to be able to stick my flower pot inside.  


 She fit perfectly with her new brothers and sisters!  Loving all the shabby mixed colors and styles of chairs!

Thank you so much for reading!  Hope you have enjoyed this post!

Peace, Balance, and Gratitude,


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